Saturday, May 23, 2009: I again put off my long run for another day, but it looks like I've been keeping close to, and even ahead of my training plan without the long run mileage. With the weather staying good for most of this week (except for the day I ran in the rain) I ended up not taking a "weather-rest" day. Also, I've run seven days in a row (whereas, my training plan allows for a rest day each week, too).

A string of mild days continues in NW Montana. Today, full sunshine, with just a scattering of clouds. The running route today was lined with a collection of various and assorted animals, and even a person to chat with. I planned for the run today to be just a light jog, and, as an extra bonus, I had a chance to stop and talk with one of the folks along the route. A woman was out walking for some afternoon exercise, and stopped at the top of her driveway. I stopped my run, said hello, and walked over to talk to her.

I mentioned that I've photographed her place a number of times (it's nicely placed by Sherman Pond and makes a nice view scene many times). As we were chatting, she mentioned that she knew the previous owners of our ranch. It was a wonderful chat. Oh, she turned 90 last July, and lives by herself at the place. Quite inspiring to talk to her. I probably ran with more spring in my step after the chat, too! Later in the day, I also did the third in my series of cross-training bike rides. It was a great day! Running log: 6.227 miles; Bike ride: 13.4 miles.
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