Monday, June 15, 2009: Just about done with the marathon training for this event. 'One More Day!'. Wednesday is a travel day to Minnesota. Thursday is another travel day from Minneapolis to Sand Lake (near Moose Lake). Friday is packet pickup day in Duluth. And Saturday is the Grandma's marathon event. So, today could have been the last "long run day" (or, maybe tomorrow). But, instead, still favoring some kind of soreness in my upper left leg, I just jogged out for a five-miler. Going slower allowed me to notice and photograph some road-side roses. Also, since I had two softball games tonight, I didn't want to overdo the running training. It was a good day for a run with partly to mostly cloudy sky when I did the run, and temperatures in the 60's. Also, in keeping with that, it was also a day to increase my move into the 60's, with today being my 61st birthday. (Happy birthday to me, (do, dah, do, dah)). Marathon log information: Run: 5.2 miles; Cross-traing (if softball playing counts): 2 games; Indoor cycle: 10:05 minutes/3.0 miles.
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