Monday, June 8, 2009: I was almost going to play my "weather rest day" card today. It was raining (and fairly cool (high 30's and low 40's)). However, around mid-day, the clouds weren't dropping much rain, so, out I went for a run. It was a good thing, too, since this is Day 100 in my training program, it would have been a real shame to not have a running session to log. As I started my run, it was more apparent why the morning temperatures were so cool. There was new snow visible on the west hills. If I had decided to do the Ashley Lake pass run, I probably would have run through the snow level. Instead, I decided to again do the Sherman Road route. No bears this time, just a passing dog, a turkey or two, some horses, and the visible snow to the west. I ran the full route (except when photographing animals and snow scenes) and it was a nice running day after-all. The marathon log today: 8.2 miles. Training log for 100 days: 555 miles (553 in the training plan ... so I'm still doing pretty good).
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