The entries in this posting come from the daily blog at Wunderground. Sometimes I make a few changes here, but most of the time, the blog is just captured, edited slightly to have the images fit the blogger format, and the posting is saved. Normally, I post daily at Wunderground and just add this entry at the end of the month represented in this posting title.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009: Sunny and mild day today in NW Montana. The creek flow was increased due to a release of water from upstream. Otherwise, dry conditions continue. The grass in the pastures varies from long and healthy in the two pastures that were flooded over this spring, to short and varied in the upper dry areas.
Long Grass and View to the Old Barn
Monday, June 29, 2009: It was another clear day in NW Montana. The evening sky had an interesting color to it tonight.
Morning Sun on Box Elder
Evening Sky behind West Trees
Sunday, June 28, 2009: Just like it was in Missoula, it was a sunny, warm, dry day again in NW Montana. I returned to the ranch late in the day as the dogs sniffed around the trees.
Dogs in the Evening Sunlight
Evening Panorama East Views (merged three images)
Saturday, June 27 & Sunday, June 28, 2009: Senior Softball Tournament in Missoula.
Softball Tournament (Slide Show)
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Marathon Over ... Now, just One Day at a Time
The training period for the marathon is probably the most intense time period during the year. Even when I run a second marathon, the training for the first marathon of the year totally exceeds whatever is done for the second event. After the marathon, I normally do not run at all for at least a week. Sometimes a couple or three. Since I seem to have a lingering injury from the training period this year, it will probably be a couple of weeks without running. I still have an on-going pain in the upper left leg (possibly just some over used tendons or muscles, hopefully nothing more extreme, like a stress fracture or some other hip joint problem). The next couple of weeks should give a better sense as I rest a bit.
Normally, the trip to run the marathon is my only away from the ranch travel of the year. This year, as a quick follow-up, I have journeyed to Missoula for a Senior Men's Softball Tournament at the Fort Missoula Sports Area. The softball event is a good switch from ranch projects that will soon follow (baling, and all other projects related to getting ready for the change of seasons that takes place way too fast).
This is a good life!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Marathon Day - Day 112
Saturday, June 20, 2009: Marathon Day in Duluth, Minnesota. The day was clear and warm. A half-marathon started one hour before the marathon. At that time, the temperature was in the middle 60's with the humidity showing 99%. It was at least as warm at the beginning of the marathon at 7:30 AM. I decided to go into the starting area bin and stand with the group near the expected 5:30 time pacer. Sweat was running like in a sauna, even before the group began moving. One of the race sponsors, Cliff Bars, has a pre-race sign-up where individuals that expect to run a particular pace, get a race singlet, and carry a placard and balloons indicating the pace time (3:30, 4:00, 4:30, 5:00, etc.) This allows those who want to run with a pacer to easily see where to run within the crowd (6,300+ runners were in the starting bin today). Due to my slower running lately, I decided to pace out with this group. It took over six minutes to cross over the starting chip reading pads after the race began. The pace was a slow walk for most of that. After crossing the starting pad, the race pace was fine and within my training pace. I actually decided to increase my pace and passed the 5-hour pace group before the six mile mark. The conditions were still quite warm but a good head-wind breeze took place between the six and nine mile section of the course. Even with the warm conditions, I did not take any water until the ten mile water tables.
My pace continued to be within my training level through the half-marathon mark. For some unknown reason, about that time, my left ear plugged much like happens when going through an elevation change. I ran with it for a little longer, but within the next mile or so I decided to alternate walking and running to see if the ear plug would clear. But it did not. I continued the alternating walk 1/2 mile, run 1/2 mile until about the 20 mile marker. At that time, the 5:30 pace group was around me and I decided to pace with them for a while again. I did this through the section of the course when the run is going up Lemon Drop Hill. The group pacer switched to a walk at that time, but since most of my training is up and down hills, I kept on running. I ran most of the rest of the race through downtown Duluth just doing the walk during the water stops to sip a bit of water and to pour water over my head to cool down. Some of the water was quite warm at this time so I actually took separate cups of ice and poured water into the ice to cool it a bit. This was the first marathon that I have actually poured water over my head as a cool down procedure. As the race entered the last mile, I even implemented my tradition (from early marathons and races) that I did not want to let anyone pass me during the last mile of the run. It was mostly the case with just a short section when I slowed down a bit and a couple of runners did pass me. But, it was a good finish and I felt fine going through the medal line and while getting my finisher shirt and pre-race bag. So, I completed another marathon. This was Grandma's Marathon number 24 for me and marathon number 37 in total. I will probably run another!
Marathon results : Entrants: 8,377; Starters: 6,366; Finishers: 5,983 ... My summary: 5:34:47 (gun time), 5:28:33 (chip time); 5,024 out of 5,983 finishers; 3,244 out of 3,710 men finishers; 70 out of 104 in my age group : 26.2 miles completed!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Marathon Training - Day 108
Tuesday, June 16, 2009: This is the last scheduled day of marathon training for the upcoming event. It was a pretty disappointing day, running training wise, since I had originally showed a 20 mile run today to end the training. Instead, I was only able to do a walk-run combination for a total of five miles. (But, it gave me a chance to stop and talk to the road-side horses one last time). Something continues to not be right in the muscles/tendons/core of my left leg, so it limited me to stretching walks and short jogs. I didn't think 20 miles of this combination would be of any benefit, so, it was the 5-miler to finish the training program. I was close to the total goals for the period beginning March 1st with my running miles showing a total of 606.6 miles versus the planned total of 617 miles. Not bad over the course of the 108 day training period! Also, I did a bit better with some cross-training biking this year, although, I still did far less biking than I could have. Hopefully, the marathon day will be a good day, both weather-wise and running-wise. I am running as number 177 again this year when Grandma's marathon takes place on Saturday, June 20th. Marathon Log for today: Walk/run 5.3 miles. Training totals: 606.6 miles VS 617 in the training plan!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Marathon Training - Day 107
Monday, June 15, 2009: Just about done with the marathon training for this event. 'One More Day!'. Wednesday is a travel day to Minnesota. Thursday is another travel day from Minneapolis to Sand Lake (near Moose Lake). Friday is packet pickup day in Duluth. And Saturday is the Grandma's marathon event. So, today could have been the last "long run day" (or, maybe tomorrow). But, instead, still favoring some kind of soreness in my upper left leg, I just jogged out for a five-miler. Going slower allowed me to notice and photograph some road-side roses. Also, since I had two softball games tonight, I didn't want to overdo the running training. It was a good day for a run with partly to mostly cloudy sky when I did the run, and temperatures in the 60's. Also, in keeping with that, it was also a day to increase my move into the 60's, with today being my 61st birthday. (Happy birthday to me, (do, dah, do, dah)). Marathon log information: Run: 5.2 miles; Cross-traing (if softball playing counts): 2 games; Indoor cycle: 10:05 minutes/3.0 miles.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Marathon Training - Day 106
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Marathon Training - Day 105
Saturday, June 13, 2009: This was a great repeat of my running of the last few days. This morning was clear, mild, and dry and I decided to do my run during the usual mid-day time-frame. This was another fairly slow run, but I was able to do the full run again. During the run I noticed the young trees that have been growing in the stumps of what once were large trees along the road. As my running training for this marathon is winding up I thought about the importance of the old life that supports the new growth in my days. There was a time when I ran much faster. But now, with my running training and my life at a bit of a slower pace, I continue to see how the balance of the old and the new help to keep life growing. Today, after the marathon training run, I also did a cross-training bike ride into town and back. Log for the day -- Run 8.2 miles; Cross-training Bike Ride: 13.4 miles.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Marathon Training - Day 104
Friday, June 12, 2009: Out and a about for a mid-morning run today. The blue sky was supporting building cumulus above all of the ranches on the way up the hill. My run today was again to the Lupine Meadows gate. I didn't notice any of the usual animals along the running route today. The horses that have been up the road were seen earlier just above the ranch. With the warmer temperature, the cattle were probably higher up the hill in the woods, too.
It was a good run with just slight stops for picturing the scenes. The weather was mild with the temperature already climbing into the low 70 range. Running log for today -- Run: 8.2 miles. Cross training was just hitting the softball around a little while Taffy fetched the ball for me.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Marathon Training - Day 103
Thursday, June 11, 2009: I was going to get a long run done today, but some in town appointments made me change my plan. As a result, I repeated the training runs I have been doing lately and headed up the Ashley Lake to Sherman to the Lupine Meadows gate route. Some lingering stiffness in my hip kept me from running for the first mile. In fact, I thought about just walking back and giving the run plan a rest. But, as I got to the gravel road I decided to jog slowly. Everything felt fine, so I continued up the hill to the gate. I managed to slowly jog the full route (with the exception of the first mile of walking). Light clouds and sunshine dominated the day and made for a good run, after-all. Marathon log: Run 8.2 miles.
Marathon Training - Day 102
Wednesday, June 10, 2009: A cool start today kept the temperature comfortable even for a late morning run. I am keeping up the eight mile runs but still holding off on the last long run. (Still some soreness in my left leg, and I decided to keep the mileage down a bit). During the run today, the cattle were resting along the side of the road. We've had some rain over the last couple of days and it has keep the meadows and grassy areas green with the new growth. Mileage log for today: 8.2 miles.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Marathon Training - Day 101
Tuesday, June 9, 2009: Another of the eight mile runs up to the Lupine Meadows gate. It was a return to a great running day with cool temperatures and partly cloudy to cloudy conditions (no sun-stroke, today). Events of the run included a chat with one of the neighbors up that way and just observing the animals along the way (today, a pig joined the list of the animals noticed while running). In addition, there were horses here and there, again, and, the dog named Oreo was out in a pasture watching for gophers to pop-up. While running down the road from the top turn-around, I noticed almost all of the new snow was gone. Just the ski runs at Blacktail Mountain still showed some of the accumulation from overnight Sunday. Marathon log -- Run: 8.2 miles. (Cross training will be a softball game, later today).
Monday, June 8, 2009
Marathon Training - Day 100
Monday, June 8, 2009: I was almost going to play my "weather rest day" card today. It was raining (and fairly cool (high 30's and low 40's)). However, around mid-day, the clouds weren't dropping much rain, so, out I went for a run. It was a good thing, too, since this is Day 100 in my training program, it would have been a real shame to not have a running session to log. As I started my run, it was more apparent why the morning temperatures were so cool. There was new snow visible on the west hills. If I had decided to do the Ashley Lake pass run, I probably would have run through the snow level. Instead, I decided to again do the Sherman Road route. No bears this time, just a passing dog, a turkey or two, some horses, and the visible snow to the west. I ran the full route (except when photographing animals and snow scenes) and it was a nice running day after-all. The marathon log today: 8.2 miles. Training log for 100 days: 555 miles (553 in the training plan ... so I'm still doing pretty good).
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Marathon Training - Day 99
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Marathon Training - Day 98
Saturday, June 6, 2009: A change in the weather today with strong north winds and cool temperatures. There was even some fresh snow visible at some of the higher elevations. I got out for my run a just about noon and decided to duplicate the eight mile run up to Lupine gate. It seemed a rather normal run, with the exception of the bear I saw while on the downhill run (about 1/2 mile from the turnaround gate). Unfortunately, I was slow in my remembering to get my camera out, but, I did take a picture of the woods area where the bear went up the hill. Interestingly, close viewing of the image did not show a bear, but rather a deer hidden in the woods. The bear might have been there somewhere too, however; I could not see it in the image. It was a bit of a surprise to see the hidden deer, what with a bear just going up that way, but maybe it was a doe hiding with its' fawn. The remainder of the run was finished uneventfully. Mileage log for today -- Run: 8.3 miles.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Marathon Training - Day 97
Friday, June 5, 2009: We're starting to push the limit for clear and dry running days in a row, however, I got another one today. It was sunny, with just a little breeze, and some cooling shadows remaining, as I did the eight-miler up to Lupine Meadows gate and back. I ran the full distance and felt pretty good. No cross training has been done as I write this, but I may still do a bike ride and some softball hitting, before the weather changes on me! Marathon Training Log: Run 8.329 miles.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Marathon Training - Day 96
Thursday, June 4, 2009: Another of a string of sunny and dry days. Perfect again for a training run (if I would only start earlier in the day when the temperature is cooler). Instead, I began my training run shortly before noon.
Since I did the long run yesterday, I decided to make today just a short four-miler. It was an out and back on the black-top and then just a mile up Sherman Road. I was able to do a full time run for this training outing (although still not very fast). Let the training log show: 4.1 miles; Cross Training bike ride later in the afternoon: 13.4 miles.
Since I did the long run yesterday, I decided to make today just a short four-miler. It was an out and back on the black-top and then just a mile up Sherman Road. I was able to do a full time run for this training outing (although still not very fast). Let the training log show: 4.1 miles; Cross Training bike ride later in the afternoon: 13.4 miles.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Marathon Training - Day 95
Wednesday, June 3, 2009: A cool sunny day meant deciding to do the long run, finally! I filled a couple of water bottles, one to drop at the one mile mark (that also became the the nine mile mark, and the 15 mile mark). I carried the other up the pass toward Ashley Lake. It was a sunny and pleasant mid morning when I started the run. This was a day when I thought I would give the bruised leg a try for the distance of anywhere from 10 to 16 miles. The run up the hill was pretty good with some walking during the steepest sections, but, mostly jogging and slogging along. I did the turn-around at about 5.2 miles. Doing the trip back downhill felt pretty good. So, at the water bottle drop I decided to head up the gravel road to the Lupine Meadows gate. I did do a walk/run mix up the road to the gate. Again, the downhill was a bit easier, so I was able to mostly run. For the final mile section on the black-top, I did walk a bit during the return to the ranch. Overall, it was good distance effort, even though it was not a speed record. Mileage log -- Run (walk, too): 16.43 miles.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Marathon Training - Day 94
Tuesday, June 2, 2009: I've had to make some adjustments to my planned training schedule for the last week or so. A bouncing ball that short-hopped into my left shin last Wednesday has resulted in a bit of a bruise and some modified running abilities. Today (yesterday, and even the day before) should have been one of my long runs of 20 miles or so. Instead, I just did the quick two-miler yesterday and today managed only a six miler. I did my run today during the late morning and just ran the Batavia black-top to the Sherman Road gravel route for another out and back. Horses along the Batavia section managed to pose for a few photos. Later in the day, I also did a cross-training bike ride into Kalispell. Log for the day -- Run: 6.231 miles; Bike: 13.53 miles.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Marathon Training - Day 93
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