Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Run Up the Hill into the Snow and Clouds

Tuesday, March 9, 2010
The snow that fell overnight and during part of the morning did not stop my planned road run today. Although I had thought about switching to the treadmill, since the road was only wet, and not snow covered or slippery, up the hill I went early this afternoon. Today, the plan was to do another five-miler, so it was the farthest run up the Batavia hill toward Ashley Lake that I've done this year. There were still some low clouds drifting along the west hills as I turned up the first hill and turn combination. The trucks weren't running on the road today (maybe because of the snow and wetness) so the run up Batavia seemed like a good idea. There was a bit of slimy mud along the road at the sandpit that has been the destination of the usual truck traffic. Most of the uphill run was fine, but, I did walk the last 1/2 mile or so before the turnaround. That particular section is a fairly steep uphill and even walking it was a good workout.

Just before the turnaround, a gaggle of turkeys laughed at me because I wimped out and needed to walk. But, it was probably a good thing since just at the turnaround a couple of deer bounded over the road. If I had been running too fast, I might not have been able to stop and could have run into them (yeah, right! ... but, it seemed like a good excuse for walking!). The run down the hill was a lot easier than the uphill jog. The run ended, as it started, with continuing clouds and even some light snow/rain mix from time to time.

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