Thursday, March 18, 2010
A mixed cloud and sun day with nice temperatures for a run to The Summit. (And, almost to the summit of the hill, too: I turned around at the 2.5 mile mark, so I didn't quite reach the top of the hill). The trucks continue to run up and down the blacktop, and I am tired of jumping off the road into the ditch every couple of minutes. So, today, I headed up the trail to the back roads that lead to The Summit. Like most of the roads in this area, the route today was a rolling combination of hills.

It was primarily uphill on the way to 'The Summit' (go figure?) and I walked about three-fourths of a mile during the steepest part of the hill climb.

The ice was gone from Dawson Trail, but the woods trail still has a good amount of packed snow and ice on it. I finished with a slow jog through the woods and down the trail back to the ranch. Check another 5-miler off of the training plan.
2010 Training Log (as of March 18, 2010)

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