March does seem to be the time of quite a number of anniversary events ... some good, like the above, and others, remembered for their time of sadness. My dad and my mom both died in March (1991 and 1996). My wife's dad died in March (197x ... before my time with her). Also, one of my co-workers died suddenly in March (back in 1994). Maybe March is a tough month since it is normally the transition month between winter and the new life spring brings?

Not much has happened on the new project area. So, most days are just the normal ranch routine. A not so common event during one of the daily walks this week was the sighting of a moose. He/she was lying just outside of the fence-line area one morning. I took a good number of pictures of him/her and posted a video on YouTube. He/she was browsing the area for a bit of time because after the morning walk sighting we came back to the house and did a number of regular morning projects. I went out at mid-day again and was able to get a number of new photos of him/her (still couldn't tell for sure, even with a closer look). One of the neighbors says it's a young bull. We'll see if it hangs around and try to get a closer look again sometime.
So ... just another several days at the ranch! (Click to view video log)
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