Thursday, January 20, 2011

A New Year and A Year Review

January, 2011 ...can it be, already?

Well, it looks like after my marathon training ended, so did the year! Not actually, I still kept a fairly active posting routine over at Weatherunderground, but I didn't come back here at all until a new year had already begun. In thinking about the year gone by, I decided to try a monthly summary using most of the images I take around the ranch. This may get to be a little boring to the viewer, but like the last year, a month goes by pretty quickly, even when using 500+ images. The constraint is the limit over at YouTube to 15 minutes for a video. So, this means for the months that I was really photo crazy, images go by pretty quickly (having just done January through March so far, I used 2 seconds per image during one of the months). I may need to do more than one video for a month as I get into the year, who knows?

In any case, for the few and far between that might wander into this blog, enjoy.

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